X-Alps,7월7일 / 11시30분에 시작

X-Alps,7월7일 / 11시30분에 시작

스카이팀장 1 19,507 2013.07.09 00:10:01

For Immediate Release
July 7th, 2013

And they're off! The 10-year anniversary edition of the Red Bull X-Alps got off to the perfect start on Sunday. From a packed Mozart square in the heart of Salzburg city, 31 athletes set off on the ultimate adventure - a 1,031km race to Monaco in which the only method of transport is by foot or the paraglider they carry on their back.

Athletes ran through the old quarter of the city before crossing the river Salzach and climbing to the top of the Gaisberg, 1,287m where thousands of cheering spectators had gathered to watch them take to the skies. 

Toma Coconea (ROM), famed for his endurance, was first to the top, in 1hr 10, to be greeted by huge cheers from his army of supporters who have travelled with him. But the race committee found he had deviated from the set route and he therefore will not be awarded the Gaisberg trophy for being the first to the summit. 

That will now go to Thomas Hofbauer (AUT3). In third place was Michal Krysta (CZE). Race favorite Christian Maurer (SUI) was fourth to arrive on the summit but the first to unfurl his glider and take off. 

Sunday afternoon, the athletes attempted to fly as much ground as possible to the next turnpoint, the Dachstein, 2,995m, which lies 55km straight-line distance from Salzburg. Weather conditions were favorable for flying with a moderate north-easterly wind and most athletes made good ground and were predicted to pass the turnpoint on Monday morning. 

But conditions on the Gaisberg made take-off difficult, especially for Kaoru Ogisawa (JPN1). The 53-year-old suffered a collapsed wing shortly after take-off and brushed into trees. Fortunately, he emerged unscathed and with a new glider, was able to rejoin the race. 

For what happens next in the drama, go to Red Bull Mobile Live Tracking (http://www.redbullxalps.com/live-tracking), which lets you follow the athletes in real time on redbullxalps.com. And it could be about to get very interesting... As of last night, two athletes had pulled a Night Pass which lets them hike through the night. They were Christian Maurer (SUI1) and Thomas Hofbauer (AUT3). Will it give the Swiss the lead he needs?

Follow the race on: 
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/redbullxalps)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/redbullxalps) 

More Information:
Uploaded every day on the Red Bull X-Alps' dedicated newsroom, www.redbullxalpsnewsroom.com, you will find: 

High res images cleared for editorial usage in connection with Red Bull X-Alps
o Web clips
o Daily summaries 
o Background info, athlete biogs, route details and more

We only ask that you send us a copy or link of the article to zooom productions, Felderstrasse 12, 5330, Fuschl am See, Austria. 

Image credits should read: ?photographer name (found in metadata)/ Red Bull Content Pool

The Red Bull X-Alps 2013 will be the sixth edition of the world's toughest adventure race. It starts on July 7th and will see 31 athletes from 21 countries battling over 1,000km across the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco via 10 mandatory turnpoints, in the fastest time possible. Every kilometer must be covered either on foot or flown by paraglider. 
Each team consists of one athlete and up to two supporters. No technical or outside assistance is allowed. Athletes can race between the hours of 05:00 to 22:30 but can each pull one 'Night Pass' that allows them to push-on through the night on foot. 
The race requires expert paragliding experience and a very high level of endurance fitness - it's not uncommon for athletes to hike up to 100km in a day. The 2011 edition was won by Christian Maurer (SUI) in 11 days, 4 hours and 22 minutes. The 2013 edition comes on the ten-year anniversary of the first Red Bull X-Alps held in 2003. 

For all image, interview requests and other media enquiries, please contact: 
Tarquin Cooper
zooom productions gmbh
tel: +43 6226 8848-25 / mob: +43 664 544 9241 






하늘우리 2013.07.17 15:12
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